- Description
- Additional Information
- Reviews
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- Description
Workshop manual for Fiat Coupe (1994-2000). Over 850 pages of descriptions, specifications and procedures outlined. Repairs and maintenance simplified.
The main sections of the manual include:
- General Specifications
- Tightening torques
- Scheduled Maintenance
- Engine
- Brakes
- Steering
- Suspension
- Supply
- Interior cabin
Easily printable pages.
- Additional Information
Additional Information
Applicable to Fiat Coupé, Fiat Coupe Build Year 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Engines 1.8 Pratola Serra 16V, 2.0 Lampredi 16V, 2.0 Pratola Serra 20V, 2.0 Lampredi Turbo 16V, 2.0 Pratola Serra Turbo 20V Fuel System Diesel, Gasoline Illustrated Yes Format PDF Printable Yes Language ENGLISH Compatibility Windows, MacOS, Linux - Reviews
- why_buy_it
Why buy it?
Because the repair manual will be with you for the whole life of your vehicle and, when you need it, you can always consult. It's just like buying another tool as you may need. Own it in digital format is an added advantage because you can print only the parts of your interest without worrying about dirty and throw it away. A little investment for big savings.